
Little Known Facts about Sci-5:

*Sparki used three whole cans of fluorescent yellow hair spray during VBS

*Sparki had a "sidekick" named Chris who hid in her "house" and operated her special effect fog and strobe.

*Electra and Sparki really are sisters in real life and they do know how to shock each other.

*Electra and Sparki also have a younger brother and sister who are still trying to figure out what their superpowers are.

*Dewd has a split personality. Secret sources tell us that he's known as "Chuck" in his other life and works in a church- imagine that. There is also an investigation out on whether or not there is a link between Dewd and the Australian Workout Coach from last year's VBS.

*Max has a Superhero for a twin sister.

*Max knew how to drive his scooter before a real automobile.

*Max is a collector of broken swords. (weird, huh?)

*Prop builders attempted three different designs for a jetpack for Fizz. We tried two fire extinguishers that got white powder everywhere, a gasoline powered leaf blower that didn't start, and a fog machine/bubble machine combo that just leaked everywhere. Sadly Fizz was the only character without a "cool toy" during VBS.

*Apparently Fizz and one of the Superheros battled it out over candy in a previous life.

*Max's scooter was actually stolen by the Gorilla and taken for a joy ride on Wednesday.

*Sparki and Electra actually field-tested several other "cool toys" before acquiring their Tesla coil and light saber. Sparki had a magic light bulb, a light bulb light, and a LED jump rope (that never worked) and Electra had high powered magnetic balls and a blacklight.

*This was Sparki and Electra's first "big break" in their acting careers at CBC.

*That Sci-5 gets all their wardrobe from the same place as the Superheroes.

*That Dewd's plumbing house was actually powered by a snow machine.

*That we actually blew the power to the sanctuary twice during VBS due to all the POWER!!