Never Too Little

This month in Kidstown Live! we will be talking about giving and being thankful. It seems so redundant that this be the focus of teaching for the month of November, but it is a topic we don't emphasize nearly enough. In our nation, despite the economic downturn, healthcare issues, and other such problems, we are still the most blessed nation on the earth. So much is taken for granted that millions around the world can only dream of.
One of the catch phrases we are going to emphasize in KidsTown Live! this month is "You are not too little and neither is your gift." We are going to be talking about what a little boy's small lunch did for a huge crowd, what a little girl did so that she could give something to Jesus, and a native tribe in West Borneo who learned to give. We will also be starting an offering campaign with the kids for Christmas gifts through World Vision. This and more all month will emphasize having a giving spirit in gratitude for all that Jesus has done for us!

Going back to the idea of never being too little, we have one "little" girl that has been using her BIG talents for Jesus right on our own KidsTown stage recently in two of our big productions. Bailey Littrell, who is just nine years old, has been keeping up with the big kids lately in two shows that have been put on. First she was the "Princess Littrell" in our Tea Party Fantasy skit and then for Halloween, she played the part of Boo in our Monsters Inc show. Way to go Bailey on not letting being little keep you from serving Jesus BIG!

to be continued...

*Click here if you want to see Bailey in the Tea Party Fantasy.

*Click here if you want to read more about the No More Monsters Inc show.