Metro Ministries

Children who find themselves in 5th and 6th grade often discover they are in a world of transition; a time in their life where they feel like they really don't fit in anywhere. They don't like being treated "like a child" anymore, but they are unprepared to handle the youth world. The inspiration for our theme came from our area's well-known mode of transportation known as the Metro. This form of transportation helps tons of people everyday get from Point A to Point B. The goal of the Metro Ministry is to support preteens transitioning from childhood to youth. At this stage in our teaching process, we begin moving into more "real life" applications gained from Scriptures to help our preteens to correctly process the choices they have to make everyday in the "real world." We also seek to give them hands-on learning experiences that will help them solidify their walk with Christ and begin to develop their lives as servants for Him.

Metro Ministries for PreTeens is for our 5th and 6th graders begins at 9:30 in the All Star Room at the end of the Mainstreet hall in our gymnasium. From 9:30-11:00, the preteens focus on real life missions and serving the Lord through the church and their community through hands on projects. This program entitled Mission Possible Kids (MPK).

I want to know more about Mission Possible Kids!
Link: MPK

The PreTeen program continues from 11:00-12:30 with its other key component which covers the Bible lesson and life applications. The curriculum being used during this time is from Group Publishing and is entitled, Grapple. We do not, however, provide the online aspect of this curriculum due to lack of interest by the preteens.

I want to know more about Grapple!
Link: Grapple

We encourage all 5th and 6th graders to commit to both service times as the PreTeen ministry has been developed and designed to be most effective for learning with this structure. Participating in just one time frame or the other will really leave a preteen's church experience short and lacking. Both the service and the lesson/application components are needed to complete the puzzle and we just can't pack so much awesome stuff into just one service, so we have to use both! But trust us, the investment will be worth it!

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