KidsTown Live! Rules

In our ongoing efforts to create the best possible learning experience for yours and all other parents' children, we have made the move in 2009 to firmly establish and clearly outline some rules by which we expect every child to abide by during their time with us during the 9:30 Sunday morning KidsTown Live! show. Following these few simple rules will help us all to get the most out of our learning experience.

In order to effectively enforce these rules, we have added a "character" to our leadership team that we are calling a "referee."

Just like in soccer, if you do something you’re not supposed to do, the referee blows the whistle and issues the offender a penalty card. Our referee is going to do the same. For any of our rules that are violated, our referee will issue the offender a yellow card as a warning. If the offender commits the same offense a second time or a different offense, they will be issued a red card and then be escorted to the church hallway “penalty box” for the remainder of the show. When the child's parent arrives to pick up their child, the offences will be explained to the parent and the child will be released to the parent. If the parent does not see their child between services, the child will be taken to their Mainstreet class and an explanation will be given to the parent at the end of the service at 12:30 or a phone call will be made. Everyone starts fresh each week. However, persistent yellow cards or red cards may result in a temporary dismissal from KT until the behavior is corrected by the parent.

During the first couple weeks in January, we talked about rules, obedience, and people from the Bible that either followed God's rules or disobeyed them and what happened to them. We then spent a couple weeks practicing the keeping of our new rules with no real penalties being given, so the kids would have a fair chance to learn our new way of discipline. We are now going to begin enforcing these new expectations. Below is our list of KidsTown's Ten Rules.

We hope that issuing cards will be a rare occurrence as we know most of our audience is very well behaved, however, we want to make sure that our expectations are clearly understood by every child and their parents so that everyone receives the best possible learning experience with the fewest possible distractions during our time on Sundays together.


1. No talking during the show unless someone on stage says its ok.

2. Raise your hand if you have a question or need something.

3. Don't litter.
Throw your candy wrappers and other trash in a trashcan.

4. Stay in your seat unless someone on stage tells you differently.
Don't leave the gym. Go to the bathroom before show starts.

5. Don't bring toys or games to church.

6. Keep your hands to yourself.
No touching those around you.

7. Look and listen to what's happening on stage.
Don't get distracted by your friends.

8. Honor God with your singing.
Enthusiastically enjoy energetic songs, but calmly sing to the Lord during worship songs.

9. Put away your chair when show is over.
Don't forget your Bible or jacket.

10. Lineup to go to Mainstreet or wait by gym door for your Parents.
Don't race out the gym by yourself.